Our Team

Click here to watch our insects make art!

Jennifer Kanter

Staff Artist

Jennifer is an artist and filmmaker whose work focuses on climate change awareness.

Jennifer studied Film Production at San Francisco State University, and Marine Conservation and Policy at Stony Brook University.

Jennifer’s experience includes 20 years of videography and editing work in NYC, LA, San Francisco.

Jennifer's passion for the environment has taken her to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, to document social habits of bonobos in the Congo Basin rainforest, and to Australia, to film the Great Barrier Reef.

Professional credits include Bloomberg News, the Charlie Rose Show, Sugar Hill Children’s Museum, African Wildlife Foundation, the National Park Service, Nona Hendryx.

Instagram: @jenniferkanter
Email: jskgreen@gmail.com

Amir Elivert

Staff Artist

Trained in political science, Amir is a self-taught artist and community organizer best known for painting socially engaged murals with youth groups throughout NYC, under the Instagram moniker @amirdread.

Amir’s art, while using a variety of media, centers on issues of human struggle.

As a job developer at Fifth Avenue Committee, Amir facilitated employment for several hundred young adults over a 6-year period.

As a technology instructor, in collaboration with New America Foundation and NYC Mesh, Amir and 18 paid young people designed, built, and maintain Gowanus Community Wi-Fi, a wireless mesh network based on Resilient Communities' (RC) Teaching Community Tech-nology model.

The network keeps the coastal community connected during frequent storms that typically take out electricity, internet, and phone services. The network also provides free around the clock WiFi access to local residents.

Instagram: @amirdread
Email: amir@insecttalent.org

Laura Laurence

Brand Manager, Staff Artist

Laura is a NYC artist, co-founder of Insect Talent, and a college student.
IG: @lauralaurencenyc
Email: laura@insecttalent.org

InsecT TalenT.org

We guide insects - our cocreators - to EAT parts of large leaves and avoid other parts, in a process that sees ordinary leaves transformed into meaningful works of Art.

Insect Talent, its artworks, and the processes used to produce them, are protected by the US Patent and Trademark Office #63/257,059.

New Works 2023

Contact Us

New York, NY 10012, US


We've Invented an Artform!

We guide insects - our cocreators - to EAT parts of large leaves and avoid other parts, in a process that sees ordinary leaves transformed into meaningful works of Art.

Insects are not harmed in making this art.

"Without bugs, we might all be dead." - National Geographic

InsecTTalenT raises awareness of the threat posed by the rapid decline of insect populations due to deforestation, insecticide abuse, air and light pollution, and other human activity.

Insects are a food source for diverse species, pollinate plants, keep the soil healthy, control pests, and recycle nutrients. Without insects, many of the world’s ecosystems would collapse. Our survival as a species depends on insects.

InsecT TalenT is committed to raising awareness of the issue, and to be part of the solution through education, activism, and art.

Insect Talent, its artworks, and the processes used to produce them, are protected by the US Patent and Trademark Office #63/257,059.

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